ReGeneration exists to equip our older adults to...

                                                                                   ...LOVE DEEPLY

                                                                                         ...SERVE CHEERFULLY

                                                                                                    ...LIVE WELL

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Ongoing ReGeneration MInistries

First Sunday Fellowship

      Anyone is invited to join us at the Lima Road Cracker Barrel on the first Sunday evening of each month. We meet at 7:15pm, after the evening service.

Shut-in Ambassadors Ministry

     Under the leadership of Janet Musselman, volunteers become ambassadors of love, care, and service to our Grace Point family shut-ins.

For more information about ReGeneration Ministries or questions on how you can be involved, contact:

Mark & JoAnn Pasko roundedemail


Pastor Lane Fosnaugh roundedemail

Senior Life Resources

  • Thousands of videos, movies and Bible studies for all ages

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